Browse Alphanumerically

". . . f-". . . g

  1. ". . . first white woman to become a permanent resident of Jackson Hole" (spring, 1888) (1)
  2. ". . . first woman in Wyoming to go into the cattle business." (1)
  3. ". . . for last several years", made home in Kimball Hotel at Glenrock (Converse Co., Wyo.) (1)
  4. ". . . For several years past he has spent most of his time in Montana" (1)
  5. ". . . for several years suffered from liver complaint" - operation performed (Sep., 1907) (1)
  6. ". . . For some time he was engagedin business at Cumberland" (Lincoln Co., Wyo.) (1)
  7. ". . . for the past few years having interests in the Underwood Lumber Co." (1)
  8. ". . . for years" operated a mail and passenger stage before railroad arrived (1)
  9. ". . . For years", he was friend and partner of Uncle Jack Hicks in ranching and trapping near Jackson (Wyo.L) (1)
  10. ". . . for years", she kep house for her brother Philip J. and operated millinery shop (Laramie) (1)
  11. ". . . fort second in importance in Wyoming only to Fort D. A. Russell." (1)
  12. ". . . Fremont Co.[Wyo.] boy" (1)
  13. ". . . full classical course" graduate of Westminster College at New Willmington (Pa. - 1885 (1)
  14. ". . . girlhood in the first house built in Laramie." (1)
  15. ". . . gold excitement" lured subject's family to Atlantic [Wyo. - Jun., 1869) (1)
  16. ". . . gold in the South Pass region" attracted him to Green River (Sweetwater Co., Wyo.) (1)
  17. ". . . greater part of his boyhood was spent at Osceola" (Iowa) - learned printing trade (1)
  18. ". . . greatest mining camp in the Rockies." (1)
  19. ". . . grew to womanhood near Hulett (Crook Co., Wyo.) (1)
  20. ". . . guide of Theodore Roosevelt on big game hunts in Colorado." (1)