Browse Alphanumerically

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  1. ". . . returned from Utah . . . where he has been for the past month exploring Green River (1892) (1)
  2. ". . . rough riding cowboy . . . rode the rane wiht zeal and diligence" (1885 - 1887) (1)
  3. ". . . said to have amassed a fortune in the Olklahoma and Texas oil fields" (1)
  4. ". . . settled on homestead [about 40 miles northeast of] Rock River (1)
  5. ". . . several years ago", retired from business and located to Sheridan proper (1)
  6. ". . . several years ago, they retired and became residents in Saratoga community (1)
  7. ". . . she bought a 160-acre tract four miles south of Lusk" (o/a 1889) (1)
  8. ". . . She is the only femine manager in the west." (1)
  9. ". . . she was a small girl" when she and family moved to Chattanooga (Tenn.) (1)
  10. ". . . She was left alone with her children" (1890) (1)
  11. ". . . some stock interests" at Paris (Idaho - o/a 1892) (1)
  12. ". . . spent a few years in and around Rapid City (S. D.) (1)
  13. ". . . spent his early life at Wadena" (Minn.) (1)
  14. ". . . spent the greater part of her life on Henry's Fork (Uinta Co., Wyo.) (1)
  15. ". . . spent the major portion of his life in the Big Horn Basin" (Big Horn Co., Wyo. - o/a 1875) (1)
  16. ". . . studied at Fitzwilliams Hall at Cambridge (England) (1)
  17. ". . . terrific hail storm" (summer, 1887) (1)
  18. ". . . The men who demand the highest wages, and earn the smallest, are from Utah." (1)
  19. ". . . The men who look you in the eye and ask the most unheard of prices for their claims hail from Nevada." (1)
  20. ". . . The most persistent prospectors" are from Colorado (1)