10 children: Charles John
13 children: Alma J., Ern
4 children: Frederick [or
5 childlren: Margaret, Me
8 children: Hazel Gertrud
Acting Governor (Feb. 18,
Albany Co.
also purchased Mitten Ran
Ancient Order of United W
Anderson, Bert (prisoner)
arrived at Rawlins (Carbo
arrived Crook Co. (Wyo. -
arrived Piedmont (Wyo. Te
arrived Pinedale (Sublett
auto accident (Dallas, Te
Bear Town (Wyo.)
Beckwith, Quinn & Co., me
Bill Nye
black measles
Blythe and Fargo
Blythe and Pixley's
Boomerang newspaper
born: Aug. 12, 1878, at C
born: Aug. 13, 1868, at F
born: Aug., 1843 [or 1842
born: Feb. 25, 1860, at O
born: Jan. 2, 1846, at Ch
born: Jul. 24, 1868 [or 1
born: Jun. 25, 1852, at M
born: Mar. 3, 1860, in We
born: Mar. 9, 1859, at Ri
born: May 7, 1870, at Oxf
born: Nov. 11, 1846, at C
born: Nov. 22, 1853, in L
born: Oct. 12, 1871, at G
born: Sep. 13, 1838 [or 1
born: Sep. 20, 1830, at S
Bottle D brand
Brandon, Charles - Biogra
Brandon, Mayme Eger (wife
Brandon, Mrs. Mame Eger
Bridger. Jim
Bryan (Wyo.)
Budd, Jesse
Burdett Mercantile Co.
Burdett, James - Biograph
buried: "Cremated, Other"
buried: Carleton Cemetery
buried: Evanston City Cem
buried: Evanston City Cem
buried: Greenhill Cemeter
buried: Greenhill Cemeter
buried: Lakeview Cemetery
buried: Lakeview Cemetery
buried: Lewiston City Cem
buried: Lusk Cemetery (Me
buried: Willow Grove Ceme
Burnett, Sarah Jane Lethb
C. D. Oviatt
Cactus Kate (prisoner)
Campbell Co.
Carey, Julia Freeman (wif
Carey, Robert - Biographi
Carl Jackson
Carnegie Public Library
Casper, Wyo.
cattle ranch (Texas)
Chaplin, Mrs. Erminnie Ma
Chaplin, William - Biogra
Charles Nissen
Cheyenne Leader
Cheyenne Sun Ivinson is a
Cheyenne Sun newspaper
Cheyenne, Wyo.
Chief Washakie
children - at least 2 dau
children: DeLos E.
children: Edith
children: George William,
children: Hilda, Blanche
children: Margaret Ellen
children: Sarah Darlingto
children: Thomas Edwards
Chillicothe (Ohio) b: No.
Chinese uprising
City Council
City Hall
Clark, Alonzo - Biographi
Clark, Clarence D.
Clark, Lucy Myra Smith (w
clerk and accountant, var
Clerk of District Court
closest call winter (near
Cokeville Register
Cokeville, Wyo.
Colorado Colony
Committe on Resolutions
Cora, Wyo.
County Clerk
County Commissioner
County Treasurer (Carbon
cowhand for cattlemen at
CY Ranch
De Witt Creamery Co., man
DeLoney, Charles - Biogra
DeLoney, Clara Jane Burto
Deloney, Mrs. Clara Jane
Deputy Sheriff Hood
Deputy Sheriff Under Sher
died: 1948 at Los Angeles
died: Apr. 15, 1958 (age:
died: Apr. 9, 1928 (age:
died: Jan. 12, 1925 (age:
died: Jan. 17, 1937 (age:
died: Jan. 7, 1934 (age:
died: Jul. 17, 1917 (age:
died: Jul. 31, 1928 (age:
died: Nov. 3, 1943 (age:
died: Oct. 12, 1952 (age:
died: Oct. 13, 1935 (age:
died:1926 in Caribou Co.
died:Dec. 17, 1927 (age:
Dow Motor Co. employee
Dr. Harrison
Eastern Star
Edward A. Slack
Elks Club
Evanston (Uinta Co., Wyo.
Evanston, Wyo.
F. O. Harrison
Farm Loan Act
farmed on his own - went
Finfrock, Dr. H. H.
Fire Chief, Volunteer Fir
first Crook Co. Treasurer
First Methodist Church
First National Bank Board
First National Bank Presi
forest supervisor
Fort Caspar
Fox Park Timber Co.
Frank Harrison, Frank
Frank S. Burrage
Frank Spafford
Frank W. Mondell
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Fred W. Fleming
funeral: Aug. 2, 1928, wi
Gammon, John - Biographic
Gammon, Lucinda Idella Fu
Gammon, Martha N. Knight
garage owner and Ford aut
George A. Garrett
George Washington Memoria
Gillette, Wyo.
Gov. Robert Carey
Governor Emerson
Grace Raymond Hebard
Graham, Bob
Gramm & Co.
Gramm, Catherine Sleret (
Gramm, Hanna Gross Durlac
Gramm, Mrs. Catherine Sle
Gramm, Mrs. Hannah Gross
Gramm, Otto - Biographica
Green River (Wyo.)
Guild Ranch
H. A. Thompson
Hahn's Peak and Pacific R
Hall, Dr. J. N.
Harvard University gradua
Hawley, James - Biographi
Hawley, Oliva Doty (wife)
Hawley, Patience Olivia D
Heath, N. A.
Henry G. Knight
Hilliard (Wyo.)
hob-nailed Charlie
Holden, Judge C. W.
Holliday, W. H.
homesteaded land 5 yrs.)
Hospital for the Insane (
Howell, Charles - Biograp
Howell, Mrs. Tillie Kemp
Hydro. Carbon Co., co-own
Improved Order of Red Men
inventor (combine generat
Isaac Dawson
Ivinson did not pay
Ivinson, Edward - Biograp
Ivinson, Jane "Jennie" Wo
Ivinson, Mrs. Jane "Jenni
J. F. Crawford
Jackson (Wyo.)
Jackson Hole (Wyo.)
James Mathison
Jane Ivinson Memorial Cat
Jenkins, Perry W.
John A. Stevenson
John H. Fullerton
Joseph M. Carey
Justice of the Peace (Raw
Katherine Morton
Kemmerer Camera
Kemmerer Gazette
Kemmerer, Wyo.
Knights of Pythias
Knights of Pythias, membe
Laramie (Albany Co., Wyo.
Laramie (Wyo. - Feb. 1868
Laramie (Wyo.) arrived: F
Laramie Daily Independent
Laramie Republican newspa
Lessee, Wyoming State Pen
Lewis C. Butler
Lima, N. Y.
Lincoln Co.
liquor business
Little, George
livery and saloon owner (
livestock business (Lusk,
Livingston Co. (N. Y.) b:
Loyal Order of Moose
lumber jack
Lusk (Wyo. - 1886)
Madison Creamery Co., man
Manville (Wyo. Terr. - 18
Mark Jennings
Mayor (Opal, Lincoln Co.,
Mayor of Laramie (Wyo.)
McCammon News
McKinley, President
Modern Woodmen of America
moved with parents to Was
Mrs. Erminnie May Rolston
Mrs. Guild
Mrs. Lucy M. Clark
Mrs. Sarah Jane Lethbridg
Natrona Co.
Nebraska (1873-1878)
Newcastle (Wyo.)
newspaper publisher
Niobrara Co. Sheriff (191
Oakdale (Neb.)
oil production businessma
Olson, Charles
Opal, Wyo.
Oregon Short Line Railroa
Oregon Short Line Railway
organized Gammon Livestoc
Otto Gramm
Otto Lumber Co.
Patterson, Charles F.
paved roads in Laramie Co
Peterson, Mr.
Piedmont (Wyo.)
Piedmont, Wyo.
Pinedale Roundup
Pinedale, Wyo.
Pratley, John - Biographi
Pratley, Mrs. Cora R. Bat
President McKinley
printer's apprentice
Probate Judge (Carbon Co.
Progressive Men of the St
purchased and resided on
Ragan, Abraham - Biograph
Ragan, Mrs. Mary E. Peter
rail road conductor
railroad construction
railroad grading crew mem
railroad time keeper--Wyo
Ralph Kimball
ranched and built Lusk Ho
rancher, horse breeder at
rancher, liveryman and st
Rawlins (Wyo.)
Ray O. Hills
real estate dealer (Lusk,
Receiver of Public Moneys
Representative, State
Republican State Conventi
Rogers, Harry - Biographi
Rogers, Julia A. (wife -
Rogers, Mrs. Julia Amelia
Rolling Mills organizer (
Rover, dog
School Board president (1
school teacher
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
settled at ranch on Light
Sheridan Daily Post
Sheridan Journal
Sheridan Journal Republic
Sheridan Semi-Weekly Post
Sheridan, Wyo.
Sheriff (Weston Co., 1916
Sheriff (Weston Co., 1930
Simpson, J. P.
Solier, Charles
Solliday, Mrs. Laurena [o
Solliday, W.H. - Biograph
son: Walter E.
Sons of the American Revo
St. Croix (Danish West In
St. Marks Episcopal Churc
St. Matthew's Cathedral
stage coach driver
State Constitutional Conv
State Council of National
State Game and Fish Depar
State Highway Department
State Representative
struck by lightning (Jul.
Sweetwater Co.
T. Joe Fisher
taxicab business owner (N
teacher, practiced law (H
Teton Reserve
Thermopolis Journal
Thermopolis, Wyo.
tie hack
Timber Co.
Tom Horn
took up cattle ranch on P
Treasurer (Carbon Co.)
Treasurer (County and Sta
Trinity Evangelical Luthe
Trustee, University of Wy
Typographical Union
U. S. Senator
U. S. States Land Office
Uinta Co.
Union Pacific Railroad
Union Pacific Railroad cl
University of Wyoming Boa
Upper Green River
Valentine Baker
Vendome restaurant
W. C. Irvine
W. S. Kimball
War Savings for Wyoming
Washakie, Chief
Wells, William
Western New York Seminary
Weston Co.
William C. Deming
William, Boots
Willie Nickell
Wilson, Willie
witness re location of co
Woodmen of the World
Woodsmen of the World
WPA Bio 116
WPA Bio 1408
WPA Bio 141
WPA Bio 162
WPA Bio 170
WPA Bio 2295
WPA Bio 252
WPA Bio 368
WPA Bio 424
WPA Bio 473
WPA Bio 497
WPA Bio 782
WPA Bio 833
WPA Bio 88
WPA Bio 888
Wright Ranch
Wyoming (1878)
Wyoming National Bank
Wyoming Times
Wyoming Tribune newspaper
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Yellow Creek
Young Mens Literary Club
Collection Number
WPA Bio 88
Item Description
Brandon, Charles - Biographical information for Charles Watt Brandon; "C. Watt Brandon, Publisher of the Kemmerer Gazette"
Collection Number
WPA Bio 116
Item Description
Burdett, James - Biographical information for James Burdett, "The Life of James Burdett", no published source
Collection Number
WPA Bio 141
Item Description
Carey, Robert - Biographical information for Robert Davis Carey; "Ex-Senator Robert D. Carey", Casper Trilbune-Herald, Jan. 18, 1937
Collection Number
WPA Bio 162
Item Description
Chaplin, William - Biographical information for William Edwards Chaplin; "Deming Writes of Chaplin"; "The Vendome Crowd"; "Mr. Chaplin's Useful and Busy Life"; "Candidate for Secretary of State"; "Mr. Chaplin's Candidacy"; "A Deserved Tribute"; "Chaplin to be Drafted"; "Thanks, But There's Nothing to It, Boys, Says Chaplin"; "Chaplin Candidate for Secretary of State"; "Editor Chaplin Retiring from the Field"; "Editor Chaplin's Successful Career"; "Want Chaplin for Governor"; "Dean of State Newspaperdom Quits Business"; "Dean of Wyoming Press"
Collection Number
WPA Bio 170
Item Description
Clark, Alonzo - Biographical information for Alonzo Monroe Clark; "All Campbell County Citizens Should Support A. M. Clark for Office of Secretary of State", Gillette News Record, Oct. 28, 1926; "Campbell County Man Is Elected Secretary of State on Tuesday", Gillette News Record, Oct. 28, 1926, Nov. 4, 1926; "Campbell County Man Is Elected Secretary of State on Tuesday", Gillette News Record, Nov. 4, 1926; "Hon. A. M. Clark, Secretary of State Visits the City", Gillette News Record, May 12, 1927
Collection Number
WPA Bio 252
Item Description
DeLoney, Charles - Biographical information for Charles "Pap" Deloney; "Charles Delony [sic], Pioneer Crosses the Great Divide", Wyoming times, Evanston, Wyo., Jan. 15, 1925; "Hon. Charles Delony", Soldier, Statesman, and Pioneer", no published source, captioned photo of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Deloney
Collection Number
WPA Bio 368
Item Description
Gramm, Otto - Biographical information for Otto Gramm; Mrs. Hanna Gross Durlacher Gramm (wife); "A Scrap of History: Reminiscences of early days two of Laramie's Pioneers [Dr. J. H. Finfrock & George Little", Laramie Daily Boomerang, Jan. 7, 1884; "Editorial: Otto Gramm", Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Dec. 19, 1927; "Mayor Notable in Lodge Work", Laramie Republican, Dec. 19, 1927; "A Bit of History of the Durlacher-Gramm Family" by Hilda Durlacher Roach, who interviewed Mrs. Otto Gramm for Stories of Pioneer Life; "Diary Kept by Otto Gramm on his Trip to Laramie in 1870 and of his first days in Laramie"; "Otto Gramm 1846. 1927. Whole City to Share Tribute to Memory of Civic Leader"; "Otto Gram [sic], 81, Laramie Mayor Died Saturday", Laramie Republican, Dec. 20, 1927
Collection Number
WPA Bio 424
Item Description
Hawley, James - Biographical information for James R. Hawley; "James R. Hawley" by Fay Anderson, Saratoga, Wyo., fromr Progressive Men of Wyoming
Collection Number
WPA Bio 473
Item Description
Howell, Charles - Biographical information for Charles A. Howell; "A Popular Sheriff - Charles A. Howell, Pioneer" by Susie Mills Walker
Collection Number
WPA Bio 497
Item Description
Ivinson, Edward - Biographical information for Edward Ivinson; "Edward Ivinson, Pioneer Banker of Laramie" for Stories of Pioneer Life; editorial re "Edward Ivinson", Laramei Republican Boomerang, Apr. 1928; :Laramie's Grand Old Man--Edward Ivinson", Laramie Republican Boomerang, Sep. 20, 1924; "Ivinson Is A Shylock" by Robert Smith, editor, Rock Springs Miner, Nov. 7, 1892
Collection Number
WPA Bio 782
Item Description
Pratley, John - Biographical information for John Pratley; "John Pratley", Progressive Men of Wyoming, n.d., no page #s
Collection Number
WPA Bio 833
Item Description
Rogers, Harry - Biographical information for Harry Raymond Rogers; Mrs. Julia A. Rogers (wife); "A Wyoming Sheriff and His Wife", interviewed by Susie Mills Walker for "Stories of Pioneer Life"; "Harry R. Rogers"
Collection Number
WPA Bio 888
Item Description
Solliday, W.H. - Biographical information for William H. Solliday; "W. H. Holliday, Caught in a Snow Storm"; "Wlilliam H. Solliday", Progressive Men of Wyoming, pp. 172-173;
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1408
Item Description
Gammon, John - Biographical information for John Preston Hale Gammon; "Obituary - John P. Gammon", News-Record, Gillette, Wyo., Aug. 2, ,1928
Collection Number
WPA Bio 2295
Item Description
Ragan, Abraham - Biographical information for Abraham E. Ragan; "Abraham E. Ragan" from “Progressive Men of Wyoming” by A. W. Bowen & Co., pp. 903-904