14 Mile Ranch
20th Infantry
7th Cavalry
Albany Co.
Archie Blair
August Kendall
Aunt Mary
Ben Holiday
Billy Goff
Billy the Kid
Blairtown, Wyo.
Blanch and Bacon
Bob Adams
Bobby Frew
born: Apr. 8, 1852 [or 18
born: Mar. 4, 1825 [or 18
born: Oct. 16, 1862, at A
born: Oct. 6, 1872, at Ar
born: Sep.13, 1856, at Cl
Bridgeport Ranch
Brown's Paark
Buffalo Springs
bull whacker
buried: Greenhill Cemeter
buried: Mount Calvary Cem
buried: Mount Olivet Ceme
buried: Rawlins Cemetery
buried: Rock Springs Ceme
C. Wright Brothers
Caldwell, Charles - Biogr
Caldwell, Mrs. Annie Madd
Campbell Drug Store
Carbon Co.
Carter Hotel
Charles Davis
Charles Gosling
Charles McDougal
Charles Rador
Charles Wardell
Cheyenne (Laramie Co., Wy
Cheyenne (Wyo.)
Cheyenne Indians
childdren: Margaret Ardat
children: James Kerwin, M
children: John M., Fred,
children: Leroy, Ethel an
children: Lucille
children: William Martin
City Clerk
Civil War
Claremorris (Ireland) b.
Clifford, Andrew - Biogra
Clifford, Ellen (McGuin (
Collican, Frank - Biograp
Commercial Hotel
Coolican, Mary A. Byers (
Crookston, Laura Taylor (
Crookston, William - Biog
Cross Outfit
Custer Massacre
CY Outfit
D. V. Bell
Dick Davis
died: 1996
died: Jun. 2, 1946 (age:
died: Jun. 30, 1949 (age:
died: Mar. 13 [or 12], 19
died: Sep. 15, 1957 (age:
Dolan, Margaret Kerwin
Dolan, Mrs. Margaret Kerw
Dolan, William - Biograph
Dr. Murray
Dr. Woodruff
Dublin University (Irelan
Duncan Blair
Enoch Steers
Esther Morris
Foggarty Calhoun
Fountain Saloon
Franch, L. F.
Fred E. Holdredge
Frontier Days
Gen. Custer
George Pickering
Gilligan, John - Biograph
Gilligan, Martha Baker (w
Gilligan, Martha Baker (w
Goose Egg Outfit
Green River (Wyo.) 1885
Guy Rife
Hallville, Wyo.
Harry Lange
Hatchet Outfit
Horse Thief Canyon
hospital orderly
International Order of Od
Jack Lee
Jack Morrow
James Bertram
Jeff Jones
Jesse Ewing
Jim Calhoun
John Jarvis
John Penman
Knights of Columbus
Krugs Brewery
Laramie, Wyo.
liquor law
Log Cabin Saloon
Manhattan Cafe
Mary Hegewald
Matthews family
Mayor of Green River
Medicine Bow, Wyo.
Meeker Massacre
Metropolitan Saloon
Mr. Hailey
Mr. Twitchel
Mrs. Ellen Clifford
Mrs. Laura Taylor Crookst
Mrs. Mary Byers Coolican
Mrs. Rose
Muddy Creek (Wyo.)
mule skinner
Neal Wise
Old Jim Smith
Pine Bluffs (Laramie Co.,
Plains Hotel
Point of Rocks, Wyo.
Powder River
Quaken Asp range
R. S. Keenan
railroad construction for
railroad worker
Rawlins, Wyo.
Red Desert
Robert Carey
Rock Springs Stage Statio
Rock Springs, Wyo.
saloon keeper
Salt Creek
Sam Harrison
section house foreman
Sioux Indians
Skegg's Draw
Slippery Jim
State Historical Landmark
Sweetwater Co.
Tea Pot Dome
Tea Pot Rock
Thermopolis, Wyo.
Tim Kinney
U. S. Government
U. S. Navy
W. H. Gottsche
Wasatch Plunge
Wheeler, Mary
White Front Saloon
William Strange
William Wales
WPA Bio 130
WPA Bio 183
WPA Bio 192
WPA Bio 223
WPA Bio 267
WPA Bio 354
Wyoming Stock Growers Ass
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Wyoming WPA Biographical
Yellowstone National Park
Browse All
Union Pacific Railroad and Catholic
Collection Number
WPA Bio 130
Item Description
Caldwell, Charles - Biographical information for Charles F. "Dad" Caldwell; "Memories of a Member of Custer's Expedition on the Frontier of Wyoming", no published source [also see "Cheyenne, Wyoming", Cheyenne Tribune, Apr. 4, 1937]
Collection Number
WPA Bio 183
Item Description
Clifford, Andrew - Biographical information for Clifford Andrew; "Mrs. Ellen Clifford, A Pioneer Woman"
Collection Number
WPA Bio 192
Item Description
Collican, Frank - Biographical information for Frank Joseph Coolican
Collection Number
WPA Bio 223
Item Description
Crookston, William - Biographical information for William Crookston; "Life of William Crookston", no published source; "Local Man Lived in City When U. P. Came Through", no published source
Rock Springs, Wyo.
Collection Number
WPA Bio 267
Item Description
Dolan, William - Biographical information for William "Billy" Dolan; "William Dolan - Wyoming Pioneer"
Collection Number
WPA Bio 354
Item Description
Gilligan, John - Biographical information for Dr. John H. Gilligan, M. D.; "Myself and Others" by Martha Baker Gilligan; "Dr. John H. Gilligan", Rock Springs Independent, Jan. 9, 1890; news item re Dr. Gilligan in Rock Springs Miner, Nov. 7, 1892; "Dr. John H. Gilligan, Physician and Surgeon,1893", ad in Green River Advertiser, Jun. 3, 1893; Mrs. Martha Baker Gilligan (wife)