Browse All : Images from 1938 November 3

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WPA Bio 77
WPA Bio 77
Bolln, George - Biograp...
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 77
Item Description
Bolln, George - Biographical information for George Bolln, "Experiences" by Pauline Muegel Bolln, no published source
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 143
WPA Bio 143
Carlson, Charles - Biog...
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 143
Item Description
Carlson, Charles - Biographical information for Charles Carlson, "This Prosperous Pair [Charles Carlson and D. C. Cummings] Helped Settle State Forty Years Ago", no published source
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 152
WPA Bio 152
Carroll, William - Biog...
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 152
Item Description
Carroll, William - Biographical information for William Chandler Carroll; Mary Price Carroll (wife); "In the Days of the Longhorns Local Woman Crossed Plains With Oxen in '59'", no published source
Douglas, Wyo.
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 255
WPA Bio 255
Demmon, Orson - Biograp...
Lusk (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 255
Item Description
Demmon, Orson - Biographical information for Demmon; Orson Jewell Demmon; Mrs. Mary Cordelia Pennock; "Mr. and Mrs. Orson J. Demmon, Pioneers of the 70's", "Mary Cordelia Pennock Demmon" in Lusk Herald, Apr. 6, 1911
Lusk (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 306
WPA Bio 306
Faulkner, Lester - Biog...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 306
Item Description
Faulkner, Lester - Biographical information for Lester R. "Joe" Faulkner; "Highlights in the Life of Lester 'Joe' Faulkner" by Hallie S. Croco in Stories of Pioneer Life
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 325
WPA Bio 325
Fowler, Wade - Biograph...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 325
Item Description
Fowler, Wade - Biographical information for Wade Hampton Fowler interviewed by Wade H. Fowler for Stories of Pioneer Life; "Mrs. Maude Kimbrough Fowler" (wife)
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 440
WPA Bio 440
Heyer, A. O. - Biograph...
Lander (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 440
Item Description
Heyer, A. O. - Biographical information for Arnold O. Heyer; "Life in the West" by A. O. Heyer
Lander (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 495
WPA Bio 495
Irvine, William - Biogr...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 495
Item Description
Irvine, William - Biographical information for William C. Irvine; Letter from R. L. Irvine, Douglas, Wyo., to Miss Maude Sholty, Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 22, 1937; "Eulogy of the Old Ogallala Ranch House" by Robert Larence Irvine, Mar. 18, 1937
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 547
WPA Bio 547
Kingsley, Canon - Biogr...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 547
Item Description
Kingsley, Canon - Biographical information for Canon [religous title) Charles Kingsley; "Historic Old Fort Laramie, and Canon Charles Kinsley Family in the West" by Nora B. Kingsley for Stories of Pioneer Life
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 682
WPA Bio 682
Moore, Lee - Biographic...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 682
Item Description
Moore, Lee - Biographical information for Lee Moore; "Why I should be Classed as An Old Time Cow Hand" by Lee Moore
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 764
WPA Bio 764
Peyton, Pauline - Biogr...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 764
Item Description
Peyton, Pauline - Biographical information for Mrs. Pauline E. "Lena" Smith Peyton; Smith family portraits; "Contacts [re her family history; pp. 69-72 mainly show her organizational memberships and leadership positions], by Pauline E. Smith Peyton", interviewed by Hallie S. Croco for "Stories of Pioneer Life"; "Mrs. Laura J. Wilson Moore - Obituary", Douglas Enterprise, 1930; "Obituaries of Pioneers", Douglas Enterprise, 1930
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 779
WPA Bio 779
Powell, George - Biogra...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 779
Item Description
Powell, George - Biographical information for George Washington Powell; Mrs. Margaret Skoglund Powell (wife); Mrs. Maude Powell Hutchinson (daughter-in-law?); "Pioneer Life [re Margret Skoglund Powell]" by Margaret Skoglund Powell for "Stories of Pioneer Life'
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 960
WPA Bio 960
Todd, Green - Biographi...
Hulett (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 960
Item Description
Todd, Green - Biographical information for Green D. Todd; "GreenTodd, A True Pioneer", mqanuscript copiled by Mrs. R. L. (Grace L.) Bush for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Hulett (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 1026
WPA Bio 1026
Wyley, Elizabeth - Biog...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1026
Item Description
Wyley, Elizabeth - Biographical information for Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine O'Brien Wiley [or Wyley]; Letter to Miss Sholty, State Library, Cheyenne, Wyo, from [no name - Mrs. Croco?], Douglas, Wyo., Jan. 16, 1937; "Captain John D. O'Brien, One of Converse County's Foremost Soldier-Pioneers" for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 1027
WPA Bio 1027
Wiker, Miller - Biograp...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1027
Item Description
Wiker, Miller - Biographical information for Miller Kendig Wiker; "Mr. and Mrs. Miller Kendrick Wiker", interviewed by Hallie S. Croco for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 1032
WPA Bio 1032
Williams, Justice - Bio...
Hulett (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1032
Item Description
Williams, Justice - Biographical inforrmation for Mrs. Justice (Ellen E. Abernathy) Williams; "Mrs. Ellen Williams, Wyoming Pioneer", interviewed by Gertrude V. Cash for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Hulett (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 1692
WPA Bio 1692
Powell, Margaret - Biog...
Douglas (Wyo.)L
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1692
Item Description
Powell, Margaret - Biographical information for Mrs. Margaret Skogland Powell; "Mrs. Margaret Powell, True Pioneer, Passes", Douglas Enterprise, Dec. 31, 1940 [also, for Hallie Croco's full biography re "Pioneer Life by Margaret Skogland Powell", please go to WPA Bio 779 re Powell, George., Douglas (Wyo.), Nov. 3, 1938]
Douglas (Wyo.)L
1938 November 3
WPA Subject 1416 Carbon County ranching
WPA Subject 1416 Carbon...
Carbon County ranching ...
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Subject 1416 Carbon County ranching
Item Description
Carbon County ranching "Anderson's herefords take second prize at AK-SAR-BEN show"
1938 November 3
WPA Subject 1554 Wyoming transportation and communication
WPA Subject 1554 Wyomin...
Wyoming transportation ...
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Subject 1554 Wyoming transportation and communication
Item Description
Wyoming transportation and communication "Many improvements made in state highways during 1938"
1938 November 3
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