Browse All : Images by Miss Anna M. Lewis
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Collection Number
WPA Bio 85
Item Description
Boyd, Stephen - Biographical information for Stephen Boyd; Eliza Stewart Boyd; Bertha Boyd; Mrs. Eliza Stewart Boyd's "Obituary", no published source; Stephen Boyd's "Obituary", Laramie Republican, Oct. 17, 1917, page 1
Laramie, Wyo.
1939 January 30
Collection Number
WPA Bio 110
Item Description
Bullock, George - Biographical information for George Albert Bullock, "Exciting Experiences of a Wyoming Cowboy Before 1900" from "Uinta County, Its Place in History" by Elizabeth Arnold Stone, p. 68; from "Progressive Men of the State of Wyoming", p. 457; from obituary, Rock Springs Minere, Jul. 29, 1916, and from "History of Utah", Whitney
Laramie, Wyo.
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 135
Item Description
Campbell, Henry - Biographical information for Henry Hudson "Charley" Campbell; Mary Scott Baker Gravelle Campbell; "Mrs. H. H. Campbell Laid to Rest Sunday", Green River Star, Mar. 18, 1910; "H. H. Campbell - A Prominent Citizen of Green River Dies Suddenly, Jan. 13, 1894", Rock Springs Miner, Jan. 18, 1894; "H. H. Campbell, Contractor", Sweetwater Gazette, Green River, Wyo., May 18, 1882
Laramie, Wyo.
1938 December 8
Collection Number
WPA Bio 192
Item Description
Collican, Frank - Biographical information for Frank Joseph Coolican
Laramie, Wyo.
1939 January 16
Collection Number
WPA Bio 196
Item Description
Condit, Elwyn - Biographical information for Elwyn White Condit; Mrs. Lillian Boyd Condit (wife); "Colorado Veteran Undergoes Hardships in the War Zone", no published source; "His Button Helped Out", Ezekial Carmichael Condit;, no published source; "Mrs. [Mary A.,wife of Ezekial C. Condit] Condit Is Dead in Denver", no published source; "Ezekial Condit, Veteran of the Civil War, Dies", no published source;
Laramie, Wyo.
1939 January 30
Collection Number
WPA Bio 210
Item Description
Cottle, Mary - Biographical information for Mary Jane Jones Cottle, "Experiences in Wales and in Wyoming", no published source
Laramie, Wyo.
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 211
Item Description
Cottle, Thomas - Biographical information for Thomas Cottle; "Thomas Cottle Succumbs Thursday to Short Illness", Green River Star, Dec. 9, 1932
Laramie, Wyo.
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 227
Item Description
Crout, William H. - Biographical information for William H. Crout; "An Old Pioneer Gone", Saratoga Sun, Aug. 30, 1894; "Platte Valley Resident Taken by Heart Attack", Saratoga Sun, Feb. 22, 1937; "Stories of My Grandfather, William Crout, and of My Father, David F. Crout, As told Me By My Father", no published source
Laramie, WY
1938 December 8
Collection Number
WPA Bio 327
Item Description
Fox, George - Biographical information for George Washington Fox; see Fox diary exerpts in Annals of Wyoming, January 1932; "Incidents in the Life of George W. Fox", Daily Boomerang, Laramie, Wyo., Jun. 25, 1912; "Obituary", Laramie Daily Boomerang, Jun. 24, 1912
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 December 2
Collection Number
WPA Bio 354
Item Description
Gilligan, John - Biographical information for Dr. John H. Gilligan, M. D.; "Myself and Others" by Martha Baker Gilligan; "Dr. John H. Gilligan", Rock Springs Independent, Jan. 9, 1890; news item re Dr. Gilligan in Rock Springs Miner, Nov. 7, 1892; "Dr. John H. Gilligan, Physician and Surgeon,1893", ad in Green River Advertiser, Jun. 3, 1893; Mrs. Martha Baker Gilligan (wife)
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 December 2
Collection Number
WPA Bio 407
Item Description
Hanway, Paul - Biographical information for Paul B. "French" Hanway; "The Story of the French Nobleman Who Lived Among the Arapahoes", interviewed by John Roberts for Stories of Pioneer Life
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 426
Item Description
Hayford, James - Biographical information for James Henry "Doc", "Judge" Hayford, M. D.; "Retrospective" [editorial] by Dr. Hayford, editor, Laramie Sentinel, May 1, 1875; "The Vigilants Organize", Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Jun. 30, 1928
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 442
Item Description
Hickok, Wild Bill - Biographical information for James W. Butler "Wild Bill" Hickok; postcard photo of "Wild Bill" Hickok", 1980; "Wild Bill Hickok", , undated clipping contributed by Kay Andereson, Saratoga, Wyo.; "[Wild Bill', The Most Famous Scout, Spy and Early Day Peace Officer American Has Ever Produced", an incomplete article [pp. 45-80] published Wyoming News, Worland, Wyo., May 2, 1936
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 550
Item Description
Kock, Henry - Biographical information for Henry Koch, Sr.; Bessie Brown Koch (daughter-in-law) "Stories of Old Times" by Mrs. Koch for Stories of Pioneer Life, Laramie Republican, Jul. 4, 1928
Laramie (Wyo.)
1839 February 27
Collection Number
WPA Bio 552
Item Description
Knight, Jesse - Biographical information for Jesse Knight; "Jesse Knight", excerpt from Bartlett's History of Wyoming, 1918, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., p. 467; "Hon. Jesse Knight" excerpt from Progressive Men of Wyoming, A. W. Bowen & Co., 1903; "Certification of the Report of the Grand Jury of the Third District Court of the Territory of Wyoming, County of Sweetwater, for May, 1882", signed by Jesse Knight, Clerk of Court, Sweetwater Gazette, May 18, 1882; "Judge Knight Arrested", publication unknown, ca. 1893 or 1894 [Note: "Judge Knight Arrested" not found via internet Wyoming Newspaper Project.]
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 578
Item Description
Lenihan, John - Biographical information for John J. Lenihan; "Some Incidents in the Life of John J. Lenihan", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis; "Fire Tournament, Jul. 4, 1904, Hub and Hub Contest Race, at the Fair Grounds"; "Was Called to Reward" [obituary of John Lenihan, father of John J. Lenihan]", Laramie Republican, Dec. 28, 1914
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 December 2
Collection Number
WPA Bio 981
Item Description
Wade, Caroline - Biographical information for Caroline Augusta Adams Dugdale Wade; "Glimpses of My Life", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis, plus subject's portrait [ca. 1935] for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 November 10
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1082
Item Description
Nickell, Mrs. Kels - Biographical information for Mrs. Mary Mahoney Nickell; "Mother of Boy Horn Slew Dies", in home of Miss Anna M. Lewis at Laramie, Wyo., Jan. 16, 1939
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 16
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1895
Item Description
Johnson, A.R.- Biographical information for A. R. "A. R.." Johnson; "A Former Rock Springs Editor", Rock Springs Miner, Jan. 18, 1894
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 25
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1904
Item Description
Chee, Jim - Biographical information for Jim Lao Chee; "Jim Lao Chee to Leave for China Only Chinese Deputy Sheriff in Wyoming", Rock Springs Rocket, Oct. 11, 1929
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 16
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1905
Item Description
Ah Say - Biographical information for Ah Say; "Ah Say", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis for "Stories of Pioneer Life", published by Rock Springs Miner, Special Illustrated, May 17 - Jun. 17, 1897 [also see "Uinta Coounty, Its Place in History" by Elizabeth Arnold Stone, pp. 117-118; "History of Wyoming" by Mrs. Cyrus Beard, p. 362; "Girlhood Recollections of Laramie in 1870-71 by Nancy Fillmore Brown, Quarterly Bulletin, Jan. 15, 1924
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 16
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1906
Item Description
Ah Coon - Biographical information for Ah Coon; "Ah Coon", Rock Springs Miner, May 17 - Jun. 17, 1897 [also see Annual Report of the State Mine Inspector of Wyoming, District No. 2, 1910
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 16
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1915
Item Description
McMicheal, John - Biographical information for (Pvt.) John McMichael, Sr.; "McMichael Clan Reunion", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis, no published source (NOTE: No known connection with Wyoming history.)
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 30
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1919
Item Description
Chiles, John - Biographical information for John Horne Chiles; "John H. Chiles", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis for "Stories of Pioneer Life", published in Rock Springs Miner, Special Illustrated Edition, May 17 - Jun. 17, 1897 [also see "Commemorative Biographical Record of Prominent and Representative Men of Indianapolis and Vicinity", 190, p. 391
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 January 25
Collection Number
WPA Bio 2634
Item Description
Young, Harry - Biographical information for Harry Young; "Harry Young, the Pioneer Lecturer", interviewed by Miss Anna M. Lewis for "Stories of Pioneer Life", published by Laramie Daily Boomerang, Feb. 9, 1913
Laramie (Wyo.)
1938 December 8
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