Browse All : Carbon Co. and Obsidian Cliff by Mrs. Hallie S. Croco
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Collection Number
WPA Bio 92
Item Description
Bridger, James - Biographical information for James "Jim" Bridger; "James Bridger and His Post", no published source; "1804 - James Bridger - 1881" from "Mrs. Elizabeth Arnold Stone's Uinta County, Its Place in History", pp. 47-57; "James Bridger in Yellowstone Park", "The Valerian, May 21, 1936, Valier, Mont.; "Jim Bridger Not Drunkard", published source not identified, n.d.; "Bridger's Name Found on Rock", published source not identified, n.d.;
"Jim Bridger Left Records in Many Sections of the Country", published source not identified, n.d.; "Jim Bridger" by Olin D. Wheeler, published source not identified, n.d.; "Interesting Facts About Jim Bridger" from "The Bozeman DTdrail, Vol. II, by Hebard and Brininstool"; "Jim Bridger Was Earliest Settler in Carbon Co.", Republican Bulletin, Laramie, Wyo., May 2, 1939; Benjamin T. Carroll obituary, Saratoga Sun, Apr. 10, 1941
Douglas, Wyo.
1939 January 5
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