Browse All : Douglas (Wyo.) by Mrs. Hallie S. Croco

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WPA Bio 306
WPA Bio 306
Faulkner, Lester - Biog...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 306
Item Description
Faulkner, Lester - Biographical information for Lester R. "Joe" Faulkner; "Highlights in the Life of Lester 'Joe' Faulkner" by Hallie S. Croco in Stories of Pioneer Life
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 329
WPA Bio 329
Foxton, Fred - Biograph...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 5
Collection Number
WPA Bio 329
Item Description
Foxton, Fred - Biographical information for Frederick William Foxton; "Personal Recollections of Clara Richardson Foxton" [wife] by Mrs. Hallie S. Croco
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 5
WPA Bio 469
WPA Bio 469
Horr, Charles - Biograp...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
Collection Number
WPA Bio 469
Item Description
Horr, Charles - Biographical information for Charles W. Horr; "Reminiscences by Charles W. Horr", interviewed by Hallie A.Croco for Stories of Pioneer Life
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
WPA Bio 494
WPA Bio 494
Irvine, Robert - Biogra...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
Collection Number
WPA Bio 494
Item Description
Irvine, Robert - Biographical information for Robert Lawrence "Bob" Irvine; "Reminiscences of Robert Lawrence Irvine" by Hallie S. Croco for Stories of Pioneer Life; "Robert Lawrence Irvine" interviewed by H. S. C. Converse; "Part of My Early Life" by R. L. Irvine; "My 28th Anniversary Since Abstaining From Drinking Intoxicating Liquors" by Robert L. Irvine
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
WPA Bio 495
WPA Bio 495
Irvine, William - Biogr...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 495
Item Description
Irvine, William - Biographical information for William C. Irvine; Letter from R. L. Irvine, Douglas, Wyo., to Miss Maude Sholty, Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 22, 1937; "Eulogy of the Old Ogallala Ranch House" by Robert Larence Irvine, Mar. 18, 1937
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 583
WPA Bio 583
Ligier, Clara - Biograp...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
Collection Number
WPA Bio 583
Item Description
Ligier, Clara - Biographical information for Mrs. Clara Ann Ireland Barkalow Ligier; "Reminiscences of Clara Ann Ireland Ligier", interviewed by Hallie S. Croco for Stories of Pioneer Life
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
WPA Bio 681
WPA Bio 681
Moore, Amanda - Biograp...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
Collection Number
WPA Bio 681
Item Description
Moore, Amanda - Biographical information for Mrs. Amanda Moore; "Amanda Moore" by Mrs. Amanda Moore; "Personal Pioneer Experiences" by Mrs. Amanda Moore; Mrs. Amanda Moore, Pioneer of Over Half Century, Passes Away", Douglas Enterprise, Mar. 9, 1937"; "Reminiscences of Mrs. Amanda Moore" by Hallie S. Croco for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
WPA Bio 764
WPA Bio 764
Peyton, Pauline - Biogr...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 764
Item Description
Peyton, Pauline - Biographical information for Mrs. Pauline E. "Lena" Smith Peyton; Smith family portraits; "Contacts [re her family history; pp. 69-72 mainly show her organizational memberships and leadership positions], by Pauline E. Smith Peyton", interviewed by Hallie S. Croco for "Stories of Pioneer Life"; "Mrs. Laura J. Wilson Moore - Obituary", Douglas Enterprise, 1930; "Obituaries of Pioneers", Douglas Enterprise, 1930
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 779
WPA Bio 779
Powell, George - Biogra...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 779
Item Description
Powell, George - Biographical information for George Washington Powell; Mrs. Margaret Skoglund Powell (wife); Mrs. Maude Powell Hutchinson (daughter-in-law?); "Pioneer Life [re Margret Skoglund Powell]" by Margaret Skoglund Powell for "Stories of Pioneer Life'
Douglas (Wyo.)
1938 November 3
WPA Bio 1336
WPA Bio 1336
Ryder, Emma - Biographi...
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1336
Item Description
Ryder, Emma - Biographical information for Mrs. Emma Barbara Mashek Rider [or Ryder]; "Experiences of Mrs. Emma Barbara Ryder" for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Douglas (Wyo.)
1939 January 6
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