Browse All : Images by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham

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WPA Bio 134
WPA Bio 134
Cameron, William - Biog...
Laramie, Wyo.
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 134
Item Description
Cameron, William - Biographical information for William Cameron, Sr.; William Cameron, Jr.; Delbert Cameron; Gordon Cameron; "Wm. Cameron Dead at 90, Will Be Laid to Rest Friday, 2:30", Laramie Republican, Nov. 19, 1936; "William Cameron", Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Nov. 19, 1936; "A Biography of William Cameron", no published source
Laramie, Wyo.
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 198
WPA Bio 198
Converse, Jesse - Biogr...
Collection Number
WPA Bio 198
Item Description
Converse, Jesse - Biographical information for Nelson Jesse Converse; Mrs. Katherine [aka Catherine] Reynolds Converse (wifie); "Jesse Converse and His Pioneer Family", no published source
WPA Bio 321
WPA Bio 321
Foster, Asa - Biographi...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
Collection Number
WPA Bio 321
Item Description
Foster, Asa - Biographical information for Asa T. Foster; "Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Foster Celebrating Golden Wedding Today", Republican-Boomerang, Laramie, Wyo., Jan. 11, 1937
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
WPA Bio 415
WPA Bio 415
Harris, McKelva - Biogr...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
Collection Number
WPA Bio 415
Item Description
Harris, McKelva - Biographical information for Mrs. McKelvia Jane K. [or J.] McCuly Norris, Harris (aka "Ma Harris"); Charles Harris (son); "'Ma' Harris, Pioneer", interviewed by Mrs. Mayme L. Gantz for Stories of Pioneer Life; George M. Harris (son); "'Ma' Harris Is No More", Laramie Republican Boomerang, Feb. 16, 1914
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
WPA Bio 492
WPA Bio 492
Ingham, John - Biograph...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 3
Collection Number
WPA Bio 492
Item Description
Ingham, John - Biographical information for William Stewart Ingham; "An Englishman [W. S. Ingham] Who Became a Wyoming Pioneer", Mrs. Maude B. Ingham interviewed for Stories of Pioneer Life; [W. S. Ingham Obituary] by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham, Laramie Republican Boomerang, Jun. 22, 1925; [Editorial re W. S. Ingham's death] by F. S. Burrage, editor, Laramie Republican Boomerang, Jun. 22, 1925
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 3
WPA Bio 579
WPA Bio 579
Lepper, Fred - Biograph...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 579
Item Description
Lepper, Fred - Biographical information for Fred Lepper; Mrs. Mary Catherine Walker Lepper (wife); Frank Lepper; "The Lepper Brothers, Pioneers of Wyoming", interviewed by Maude B. Ingam for Stories of Pioneer Life; William Lepper; photo of Judge Charles W. Bramel [shot and killed by William Lepper]
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 627
WPA Bio 627
Maynard, Henry - Biogra...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 627
Item Description
Maynard, Henry - Biographical information for Henry Maynard; Maynard family photos; Henry "Harry" Maynard; Mrs. Effie Fisher Maynard (wife); "The Life of Henry (Harry) Maynard" for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 638
WPA Bio 638
McGibbon, James and Mag...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 638
Item Description
McGibbon, James and Maggie - Biographical information for James McGibbon, Sr.; Mr. McGibbon's portrait; "The Story of James McGibbon's Life" by Maude B. Ingham; Mrs. Maggie Mills McGibbon (wife)
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 741
WPA Bio 741
Patrick, Florence - Bio...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
Collection Number
WPA Bio 741
Item Description
Patrick, Florence - Biographical information for Mrs. Florence D. Patrick, M. D.; "Activities of Dr. Florence D. Patrick", interviewed by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham for "Stories of Pioneer Life"; "Doctor Florence Patrick" interviewer & date unk.
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
WPA Bio 794
WPA Bio 794
Rauner, Peter - Biograp...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 794
Item Description
Rauner, Peter - Biographical information for Peter C. "Pete" Rauner; photos of subject, friends & family; Mrs. Minnie E. Rauner (wife); "Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rauneer, Early Settlers", interviewed by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 904
WPA Bio 904
Stirling, James - Biogr...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
Collection Number
WPA Bio 904
Item Description
Stirling, James - Biographical information for James "Scotty" Stirling; "James Stirling, Law Enforcement Officer", interviewed by Mrs. Maude Ingham for "Stories of Pioneer Life; Mrs. May [aka Mae] Coutts Stirling (wife); "James Stirling Passes Quietly to Sleep After Long and Useful Career on Two Hemisphere", Laramie Republican, Feb. 1, 1915; "James Stirling Dies Suddenly - Laramie Man is Stricken by Heart Disease While at Downtown Smokehouse", Republican Boomerang, Mar. 15, 1929; "James Stirling, Chief of Police Dies at Age of 70"; Laramie Boomerang, Feb. 1, 1915; "James Stirling is Laid to Rest Lauded by Priest", Laramie Boomerang, Feb. 2, 1915, "May Coutts Stirling", no source, n.d.
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 23
WPA Bio 979
WPA Bio 979
Vine, James - Biographi...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 979
Item Description
Vine, James - Biographical information for James Vine; Mrs. Elizabeth Jones Vine (wife); James Benjaman [sic] Vine; "James Vine, Laramie's Pioneer Furniture Dealer", interviewed by Mrs. Elizabeth Hoehn [daughter], n.d., for "Stories of Pioneer Life"
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 1910
WPA Bio 1910
Gooldy, James - Biograp...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 7
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1910
Item Description
Gooldy, James - Biographical information for James "Uncle Jim" Gooldy; "James Gooldy, Civil War Veteran, Prominent in Early Snake River Development", Snake River Herald, Dec. 11, 1936
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 7
WPA Bio 1912
WPA Bio 1912
Groesbeck, V.S. - Biogr...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1912
Item Description
Groesbeck, V.S. - Biographical information for Herman V. S. Groesbeck; "A Noted ioneer Lawyer, the Honorable H. V. S. Groesbeck", interviewed by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham, no published source, Jul. 31, 1937
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 1914
WPA Bio 1914
Reger, Matilda - Biogra...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1914
Item Description
Reger, Matilda - Biographical information for Mrs. Mary Matilda DeKay Wagner Willett Reger; "Mrs. Matilda DeKay Reger, Long-Time Resident of Laramie", by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham, interviewed by Mrs. Etta DeKay Sandgren, for "Stories of Pioneer Life", no published source
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 1917
WPA Bio 1917
Trabing, August - Biogr...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1917
Item Description
Trabing, August - Biographical information for August Trabing; "Trabing Brothers' New Building", Laramie Sentinel, Feb. 24, 1883; "An Old Pioneer Answers Final Call", Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Nov. 28 [or 30], 1906; "200,000 Fire", interviewed by Mrs. Maude B. Ingham for "Stories of Pioneer Liffe, published by Laramie Boomerang, Mar. 14, 1895 (2 photos); "Life Sketches of August Trabing, Pioneer" by Mabel Bridger for "Stories of Pioneer Life"; "The Trabing Obsequies - Funeral Services for Dead Pioneer Citizen, Odd Fellow and An Elk", no published source, n.d.; "Penney Company Founded in Wyoming 26 Years Ago", Laramie Republican-Boomerang, Apr. 14, 1928
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
WPA Bio 1920
WPA Bio 1920
Scrymser, Fred - Biogra...
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
Collection Number
WPA Bio 1920
Item Description
Scrymser, Fred - Biographical information for Frederick E. Schrymser; "A Tragic Drowning" by Maude B. Ingham for "Stories of Pioneer Life", published by Laramie Weekly Sentinel, n.d.; [photo portrait]; [no headline -re purchase of yachts by F. E. Scrymser], Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Oct. 17, 1892; "Harry Scrymser Drownd", Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Dec. 5, 1891; "The Great Tragedy", Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Oct. 31, 1891; "Still Searching", Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Nov. 7, 1891; "Gone Home" Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Nov. 21, 1891; "The Discouraging Search", Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Nov. 14, 1891; "Found at Last" Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Apr. 2, 1892; [no headline, but re funeral of M. B. Dawson]; "Dead", Laramie Weekly Sentinel, Oct. 24, 1891; "A Tribute of Respect", no published source, n.d.
Laramie (Wyo.)
1939 February 1
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